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Roll temperature surface measurement tool – the outside view

This device, protected by a silicon cover, is available for rolls with a diameter of 127 to 220mm. The magnetic fixed thermocouple Teflon cover protects the roll from mechanical damage. Axial distances of the thermocouples can be easily fixed with a screw. The roll temperature surface measurement tool is for godets with up to 4 individual measuring points.

The Retech roll temperature surface measurement tool  is perfect for godets with up to 4 individual measuring points.


•    Battery powered for independent operation
•    USB powered for long term registrations


•    Equal measurement of all zones in mechanically defined distances
•    Contact to roll always at same angle and pressure; independent of operator
•    Saves maximum temperature with identification number, time and date 
•    No need for heat transfer compound
•    Splash water protected for harsh environment


•    Measurement of actual/maximum temperature with registration option
•    Long term registrations
•    Transfer of data to a computer

Fibre processing revolutionized with the roll temperature surface measurement tool from Retech

From precise heat-treatment of synthetic filaments to exact monitoring systems, Retech has been providing innovative solutions to the market for over 45 years. An important addition to their portfolio is the roll temperature surface measurement tool – a revolutionary device that provides precise measurements in a variety of mechanical settings. With this device, users can take advantage of an accurate and flexible solution that is easy to use and ensures reliable results. This article will provide an in-depth look at how the roll temperature surface measurement tool works and its benefits for fibre processing operations.

Understanding the technology behind the tool

The Retech roll temperature surface measurement tool is designed for rolls with a diameter of 127 to 220mm and features a magnetic fixed thermocouple Teflon cover which protects the roll from any form of mechanical damage. Axial distances are easily adjustable via screws and up to four individual measuring points can be accommodated by godets. Additionally, it provides battery-powered operation as well as USB power support for long-term registrations, giving users greater flexibility in their operations.

Benefits of using the roll temperature surface measurement tool

The roll temperature surface measurement tool offers several advantages when compared to traditional methods . Firstly, it ensures equal measurements across all zones regardless of operator skill level thanks to its contact angle and pressure being remained consistent throughout each operation. Secondly, it allows users to save maximum temperatures along with identification numbers, dates and times – providing valuable data which could prove useful for later analysis. Thirdly, no special transfer compound is required since contact with the roll remains consistent due to its design; this also means that it’s splash water protected making it suitable for harsh environments too.

Additional functions & features

As already mentioned, the roll temperature surface measurement tool offers several functions such as measuring actual or maximum temperatures alongside long term registrations as well as transferring all data collected into a computer system. It also includes a unique feature which allows users to identify problems quickly if they occur during operations such as overheating – saving time otherwise spent investigating any potential issues further down the line. 


The roll temperature surface measurement tool from Retech presents an invaluable addition to the fibre processing operations due to its accuracy and flexibility. As outlined above, it features several functions including maximum temperature saving capabilities alongside long term registration support which gives operators more control over their processes without compromising on efficiency levels either - making it one of many reasons why Retech continues to be regarded highly amongst industry professionals worldwide for over 45 years now!

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